Who We Are And What We Do |
GetResultsOnline was born out of the need to understand what digital Marketing really means to SME's and corporates alike.
John Whitley, Founder of Getresultsonline was frustrated with being told outdated information about Google, SEO and Websites when searching for relevant information for his own offline bsuiness at the time. This led to a four year journey of discovery about all aspects of the internet and what is now being termed "Digital Marketing"
Having come from an offline business background he understood marketing and selling but needed to understand this Online stage and how it could help him improve his businesses.
Today John and his team have assisted many company's make millions of dollars online by advising and working with them to implement the most appropriate online strategy for them, be it more exposure, branding or direct lead generation they are after.
In 2012 GetResultsOnline teamed up with BizBluePrint to offer the most advanced dynamic websites available today at a price that would see all SME's being able to take advantage of the online space for their businesses and get part of the internet and Google pie.
Call us today to find out how we can assist you make the most out of your online opportunity on 1300 558 330